Devotional – Christ’s Work in Me

So often the work God is doing is first, in me.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10

We want to see God work, but we are thinking about somewhere else, someone else, and someplace else. God’s first work is in you, not hidden around you.


In Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby wrote that we should find where God is at work and join in. The problem is that we our conditioned to look outward, when so often, we should be looking inward. We must ask, “Lord, what work are you doing in me?” Then, we must join Him as he works in us.

So much of what is transpiring in the life of a born again believer in Christ Jesus is simply to make you more like Christ. You must join the Holy Spirit in his work of sanctification. Sanctification is the work of God that is both setting us apart from this world and making us like Christ.

Stop looking at the lives of others for answers–they are flawed. Stop looking at your own life for answers–you are limited an biased. Start looking for answers at Jesus who is (a) perfect, (b) unbiased, and (c) working in you. Humans are prone to make excuses, maybe you are from a different planet, but if you are not, you must always wrestle with the temptation to make excuses. We excuse ourselves with a casual frequence and an aloof indiference. Don’t make excuses for yourself. They don’t work with Christ and they only serve to delay the work he is doing in you.

Remember, God the Father’s goal for you is to make your more like Jesus. Not to make you Jesus or a God-like Jesus — that is a hallmark of false teachers and cults. Paul wrote about this saying to the Galatians, “my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!” Don’t miss the goal of “until Christ is formed in you.” This formation is always an internal work that is made evidence by outward fruit.

Christ’s inward work always begins first with repentance. The unrepentant Christian desires to see greater fruit and greater work but is restricted because the fruit of repentance has not been born first in their life.

The Christian need be encouraged that truly, he/she is Christ’s favorite palate in which to work on. There is no other person Christ loves working in more than you. He has that ability to “play a favorite” with everyone of His children!

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
Philippians 1:6