Can’t Stay Motivated? Few Can, Here’s How…

It is easy in a world full of takers to “run out of gas” or get “burnt out.” The solution therefore lies not in the fuel, not in the fire, but in the…spark! What and where do you get this spark to maintain longer, sustain stronger, and finish well?


Deeper than Energy

When you are unmotivated it is not your energy level, your enthusiasm or your passion that needs to be examined. It is something else, something deeper. Thus, to motivate by definition means “to provide (someone) with a motive for doing something,” therefore, that which is deeper is in fact your actual motive—your reason. It’s what I call your “why?

A Letter to a Brother on the Status of Stumbling Block or Chief Cornerstone

Introduction:  I sat down and wrote this the other day, not specifically about you, but to you as an outlet to address some thoughts I was having–a conversation with myself, but not to myself. The Lord has been blessing my study and I am seeking to grow deeper in my contemplation of Godly things. My contemplation is often stirred through writing. You were the logical choice in which to address my writings to.


We indulge our appetites because we have not found something that truly satisfies. I am speaking in large part, first about the Christian.

The Risk of Commitment: Intention is not Commitment

The Risk of Commitment: Intending is not Committing

I have observed that many people can never break the cycle of failure. They start strong, they intend well, they may even plan to some extent, but in the end they end in absolute, abject failure and frustration.

“Roll your works…” (Prov. 16:3)

I have seen many people that begin well but implode or explode shortly into the journey.  I have seen people hover on the edge of success never touching or grasping it, but always hanging around—grasping vainly at something potentially tangible, but always invisible. I have seen others develop great intentions that would produce truly impactful results, but never get beyond the intending. I have observed a great idea that never launches because of a lack of great preparation or great patience. I have seen achievement become elusive like a white whale because the suitor grew weary, worn and complacent.

Possession and the Disciple

Possession and the Disciple

You have undoubtedly heard it said that possession is 9/10ths of the law. However, for the Christian possession is 10/10th’s or “all’ of the law.


Jesus says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” (Luke 10:27).

Obstacles (Often Unseen) Leaders Must Overcome — Pt. 3: Admiration

Admiration — does admiration help the leader or the organization at all?

“…the flattering mouth brings ruin.”


Don’t confuse admiration with encouragement. A true encourager is on par with a trusted adviser. An encourager is not a flatterer–their praise has everything to do with intent. The better the leader is at discerning true intent the more effective they will be at graciously detecting and deflecting flattery.