Killer Cats, Socrates & the Construction of Reputation

My four children have four cats (Sam, Sylvester, Tin Tin and Bo Bo). These cats love people, but they are ferocious–killers! Tiger, lion, panther and cheetah are better descriptions. These fur-filled kitty-cats are indefatigable hunters–resilient killers!


How do I know? Because their collective body of work speaks loud and clear. Because they leave their “trophies” on our door mat–we have to see their work.

But, from a distance or a casual inspection, one might find our cats lounging lazily in the sun or reclining restfully on some high perch. Perhaps, you would come over and find all four of them wrapped up like baby dolls being pushed by our five year old daughter in a stroller. You would ask, “These social tabbies–killers? Never!”

There is always a closer inspection. This happens whether you chose to acknowledge it or not. You are always under the lens of someone else’s inspection.

Thus, THE QUESTION: “What do others (your mate, boss, children, parents, co-workers, strangers, friends, etc.) find when they examine your life?”

Examine closely our cats and you’ll find stone-cold killers, habitual hunters, and dedicated destroyers of all forms of fluttering and slithering vermin. What about you? Are you honest when you examine your life? Will others be honest with you if you ask them to examine your life?

The unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates

Try these inspection (examination) methods:

1. Examine your foundation (your heart, beliefs, and values). Does it match what you are leading others to believe about you?

2. Ask a trusted counselor for a “construction inspection”

A. What does it appear I am building in my life?

B. Am I building for success?

C. How do others view me?

D. Do you see any “cracks” in my construction that will cause foundation problems later?


“Even a child is known by his ways (deeds)” Proverbs 20:11

What are you know by? Answering this IS your reputation! 

Why Your Great Idea Died

Ever had an idea or thought you turned into a plan that didn’t produce the results you wanted? Chances are yes, and you are not alone.

Crystal Pepsi

Ideas are like children. They must be birthed, nurtured, corrected, and supported. Otherwise they will experience the epic fails of New Coke and Crystal Pepsi (Google these if you are under 30 years old). Ideas die painful deaths because they are extensions of you! Today’s great idea is tomorrow’s dinosaur.

What Picking Cucumbers Taught Me!

What Picking Cucumbers Taught Me!

I remember picking cucumbers as a boy in the fields of the Pee Dee region of South Carolina in the summer. It was hot. The kind of hot where the ground sweats and gives off steam. I have no pleasurable memories of this experience! Except, that a good memory doesn’t have to be a pleasurable memory. Infact, this singular experience of picking cucumbers with my two elder brothers taught me, perhaps, one of the most valuable lessons about work I have ever learned…


In fact, if memory serves correctly, my two elder brothers (Aaron and Elliott*) and I worked for over 8 hours and picked over 1100 lbs. of cucumbers—just the three of us. Black sap tar covers your hands, insects, humidity, sweat dripping in your eyes, dirt, rotting cucumbers, vermin, more insects, bending over all day, sorting under prickly leaves barely begins to describe how hard it is to pick cucumbers. However, that day probably marked my work ethic more than any other single day in my life.


Work hard, rest well and worship God



Working hard only guarantees you will become tired. It does not guarantee that you will be successful, attractive, more well-liked or even get what you were working for.


I have found that we should work hard. It is Biblical (in fact our punishment and a form of generational penance from Adam’s sin) and it is practical. More is said in the Bible about not working hard (sloth and laziness) than working hard.

There is a fulfillment that comes through hard work. Tiring yourself out physically demands that your body needs rest. Rest is needed to recover, rejuvenate and restore.