The Most Important Thing Your Family Must Buy Today

Did you ever lie to your parents as a child?

If you did, you probably did it to get out of trouble or to keep someone else out of trouble! It seemed like a good idea, but probably didn’t turn out well, especially, if your parents already knew the truth!

Core Value

Buy truth, and do not sell it…” King Solomon, Proverbs 23:23

Successful Parenting in the Words of My Wife

What is one thing that can be spent, not saved and never gotten back?



We as humans on Planet Earth live in a linear fashion in regards to time. We have a start point, we move forward. There is no going back, there is no time travel back. Time: by it we measure and are measured. Once it is spent, it is gone. You cannot store it up. It is a commodity that can only be spent or misspent. Misspent time is wasted time.


How are you spending your time?

Parents, your time with your children is one of the most valuable commodities you will ever have. Your waking up, your meal times, your family times, your bed times all of these are precious, valuable and irreversible. Think back over your childhood. Inevitably, you have powerful memories for good or ill that happened at that time in your life and development. There is a clear link between emotionally healthy adults and emotionally healthy childhoods. Childhood is the most formative time that a human has.

Before You Lead, Follow (In Leadership, In Marriage & In Life)

Stop! Stop trying so hard to lead when you first must follow.

He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander. —Aristotle

Jesus selects 12 men out of the multitudes that would come to follow him for three years. He didn’t lure them with the “leadership carrot,” a position or power to entice or goad them into following. He simply said, “Come, follow me.”

Notice, He didn’t say, “come, lead me” or “come, lead with me.” You know what? They followed!

What kind of follower are you?

Come Follow
Ever tried to motivate, guide, or lead a group, your family, maybe even your spouse unsuccessfully? Of course! People are by nature  rebellious, stubborn and self-willed. The notion that everyone can be a leader is misleading.