Stop Bribing Your Kids

Stop Bribing Your Kids

Are you a parent who has been at your wits’ end because your child’s behavior?

Threats, coercion, kindness have all failed you! You stooped to pleading, begging, praying, and even crying. So you had no choice and resorted to…bribery!


I’ve met exactly…ZERO parents that have never bribed their child!

Teach Your Kids to Keep the Faith

Sadly, too many adults greatest faith came in their youngest days.


Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15

They believed God was bigger and greater and more powerful than the sum of all their problems, challenges, and adversities. However, somewhere, along the way, the seeds of doubt, disappointment and “reality” taught them the hard lessons of life that decreased their faith in God’s ability to be greater. Maybe it was a divorce, abuse, neglect, abandonment, alcoholism, addiction and the list goes on and on. Children are susceptible to the greatest faith and greatest injury.

Meditation of the Day – Hope

The word which God has written on the brow of every man is Hope” Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Les Miserables

I took Julie to see Les Miserables at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. We sat up really, really high. I needed glasses, but hadn’t gotten any yet. Needless to say, I couldn’t see who was who on stage. I also didn’t know the story. I was trying to read the program to figure out what was going on the whole time. Then, I realized everyone was singing. I had two options: be quiet or ask Julie repeatedly what was going on. To her displeasure and of those around us, I chose the latter. I was hoping to figure out what was going on. She was just hoping I would be quiet!