3 Minutes in the Deep (Devotional): Does Your Heart Speak?

Does your heart speak? Does your heart converse with God?

You have said, ‘Seek My face,’
My heart says to You,
‘Your face LORD, do I seek.”   Psalm 27:8


Truth is revealed in the innermost parts of a person–your heart. It is the seat of power, control and direction of your life. By it you love and you hate. From it there is great devotion or great division. Your heart is the seat of your life–the place where your spirit/soul/mind/will & strength come together.

David had heard The LORD say, “Seek My face.” That was it. He didn’t hear “work harder,” “give more,” “be more obedient,” or “try harder.” God spoke to David simply, “Seek My face.” For when you discover the face of God, you discover the Presence of God. It is a pursuit that involves all of you: mind, soul, will, strength, and heart.

His heart answered. Get it, from deep within him, his heart cry was his response to God. God speaks deep. Everything else is superficial. It is out of the depth of his love his speaks to your heart. Are you living a shallow life or a deep life in Christ?

Hear the LORD say to you, “Seek My face.”

How does your heart respond?

Does it say, “divided” or does it say, “Your face LORD, do I seek”? It is the heart of a person that reveals who that person is. Many believers simply go through the motions, living this superficial, shallow Christian life. Jesus Christ desires a deep life, a full life. Good roots go deep in good soil. Go deeper this year. Deeper in prayer, deeper in Bible study, deeper in sacrifice, deeper in the places you meet with Him. Seek Jesus with an unrelenting pursuit and a desperate devotion this year.

What says your heart?