8 Things to Pray for Your Kids (and for yourself as well)

Raising children is difficult and often overwhelming. Raising children to follow Christ in today’s culture seems practically impossible. children

Your children are impressionable. The world will seek to impress upon them its values and standards. However, your prayers and your intentional example have the capacity for the most lasting impression. Your belief in them and your faith in front of them is both inspiring to them and aspiring for them.

Here are 8 F’s to pray for your children (and probably for yourself)

1. Free from yoke of sin and bondage
2. Faithful in all things
3. Fruitful in works of righteousness
4. Found in God’s Word Daily
5. Filled with the Holy Spirit
6. Forgiving towards others
7. Friends with Jesus and not the world
8. Follow Christ all the days of their lives