How Businesses Get a Double Win with Customers While Protecting Privacy

The question for businesses today is what are strategies that help both the customer and the business win regarding privacy concerns? 

Customer experience and data collection don’t have to merely coexist as if they are polar opposites. Rather, guest experience and data collection are current, necessary realities that must do more than coexist to ensure a strong and healthy business. Guest experience and data collection must not only coexist they must coalesce. Coalescence is the uniting of both elements into a harmonized whole that is mutually beneficial for all— in essence, a double win!

The Dark Side of Leadership – Three Nightmare Traits (TNT)

Leadership has a dark side. In the heart, mind, and soul of every leader is a struggle. A struggle between who the leader wants to be and between who their followers need them to be. […]

Leaders: Go Get the Best Talent (Finding Top Talent for Your Organization)

A job no one can do other than the leader is to find the best talent. The best talent is called top talent. As a leader, when you farm selecting the best talent out to […]

A Bad Attitude Makes a Bad Job

A job is what you make of it. A job is assigned work or tasks that require your energy and effort to complete. Many people make their job harder by bringing a bad attitude with […]

The Question of Culture

Every organization will have a culture. Every leader will be part of a culture. The leader will either carry the culture or be carried by it. The question of culture is not one of importance. […]

Improvement: Dream Big, Step Small

Dream big, but step small. This allows you to learn your environment, learn what opposes you, and learn your self.

What Makes a Successful Organization

Ted Engstrom says, “The successful organization has one major attribute that sets it apart from unsuccessful organizations: dynamic and effective leadership.” Work requires energy. Leadership requires that energy be directed, leveraged and appropriated in a […]

Development is Difficult: What Leaders are Facing Today

If development was easy, then you wouldn’t be reading this article. The reality is that development is difficult. The desire to develop self and others is real and most leaders will acknowledge it is part […]

How to Set Yourself Apart as a Leader

There are leaders everywhere. But, there aren’t great leaders everywhere. A great leader doesn’t need recognition or reward to be considered great. What a great leader needs is simply great effectiveness. Great effectiveness comes from […]