Every Slow Period is a Time to Refine

Life is simple: there are a few things you actually control and many more things you have very little to no control over at all. Slow times remind you that there is much you don’t control. Relax your grip and slow down your grind.  Perhaps you need to rediscover why you started out on your journey in the first place.

I’m Done with Development

Growth Over Development I have stopped doing development. I have stopped talking about development.  I have stopped “developing” people. I don’t talk about development and my leaders aren’t allowed to talk about it around me. […]

Results and How to Get Them

Results are the outcome of your efforts. The majority of people want better results, but most aren’t willing to put the work in and increase their effort to get their desired result or better. The […]

Effort is the Great Equalizer

Talent doesn’t advance alone. Effort is the equalizer of success. If you think that just because you are the most skilled, the most talented or the most gifted, that you will automatically advance or progress […]

How to Get Promoted – Common Mistakes Young Leaders Make

Do you want to get promoted? Most people do! Yes, most people who are working want a promotion. A few don’t, but the majority of the young leaders that I have worked with for over […]

Do You Want to Get Better?

A lot of people say they want to get better. A lot of organizations, departments and teams say they want to get better.  What does it mean to get better? Getting better means you are […]

The Power of the Pause

Many leaders today are simply worn out. With so much change, volatility and uncertainty, it is simply exhausting. What you are feeling are the effects of living in a chaotic, constantly changing environment. Chaos is […]

What Real Success Looks Like for a Leader

Most people want to succeed. Most leaders want to succeed. Yet, grasping success often proves to be an exhausting and unfulfilling pursuit. Success is difficult to procure and maintain because often we are looking at […]

Leadership Lesson: Doing the Right Thing Makes the Biggest Difference

Leadership Lesson:  Doing the right thing always makes the biggest difference.  Don’t walk by wrong when you know what’s right. Don’t accept wrong, when you already know right. You don’t know right, you do right. You […]

Leadership Lesson: Anticipation

Leadership Lesson: Where there is little anticipation there is little excellence. “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.”  (Proverbs 22:3) Anticipation is the process by which you […]