You Can Make a Difference

I have seen that even a few can make a difference.

You don’t need an army, a troop or a squad to make a difference in the world. You don’t need an organization an institution or legislation to make a difference. You don’t need skills, money or resources to make a significant impact. You don’t need the right social standing, bank account or organizational position to make a difference. You don’t need the right background, pedigree or degree to make a difference.

Little ‘ole common, ordinary and unremarkable you can make a difference. Single, seemingly insignificant people, have been transforming the world one step, one word and one day at a time.


Irena Sendler was one such common person who acted with uncommon conviction she made a difference and changed her world. Irena lived during World War II in Poland. After the Nazis invaded her country and began rounding Jews and confining them to the ghettos, she took bold steps to make a difference. Posing as a sanitary inspector for the ghettos, she smuggled over 2,500 Jewish children out of the ghettos and placed them with sympathetic Polish families. Her actions landed her with the Gestapo to be tortured, abused and crippled, but she didn’t divulge any of the families or children. Irena chose to act on her convictions. She made a difference. It seems impossible for 1 = 2,500, but it wasn’t.

Don’t buy the lie, that you have to “be somebody to get something done.” You, starting where you are, can make a difference in the world one life, one moment, one interaction and one relationship at a time. But you must believe what seems, looks and feels impossible could be possible. 

The world is filled with problems. Smart people, rich people, powerful people and popular people offer solutions. Are these people really making a difference? The world seems to be getting worse, not better? Something just doesn’t add up? Who can make a difference? 

Difference is a mathematical term describing the remainder of a subtraction problem.

People who will whole-heartedly trust God and follow Jesus Christ by faith can and will make an eternal difference on this earth. God’s math from the throne of heaven does not compute the same way it computes on earth. Instead of needing a superior number on top and the inferior on the bottom to get a positive outcome, God places the inferior number on top and still gets a superior number as a result—we see this over and over again in the stories of the Bible and among those who are still following God to this day.

The natural world cannot compute faith. Faith is an intangible multiplier that causes great consternation to the logic and order of the world. But, this should not sound so unreasonable, because if you make the rules you, then according to your prerogative you can also make exceptions to the rules. Since God made the rules, His exceptions are those of faith.

When Peter walked on water, it was uncommon faith. When Noah built an ark for 100 years, it was exceptional faith. When Rahab hid the spies, it was remarkeable faith. When Abraham followed God with no direction but “go,” it was amazing faith. When Joseph stayed committed despite being abandoned, enslaved and imprisoned in Egypt, it was exceptional faith. Every act of faith that God blesses is an exceptional act of faith. There are no insignificant numbers, just as there is no insignificant faith. The Christian must never discount exceptional faith. For faith is always God’s exception to earth’s equations.

Faith is a conundrum to the world’s system of accounting. The world has been ordered by Christ. The world is held in place by Christ. Faith is his allowable exception to his rule.

How did 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes feed 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21)? How did 300 of Gideon’s army defeat 135,000 Midianites (Judges 7)? How did one Man die for the sins of all (2 Corinthians 15:5)? I could go on and on spanning at least 5 or 6 millennia of human history…

Simply put, the math does not add up. The world’s solution is to discount the story. Logic and reason scream “impossible!”  God’s answer is to multiply the x-factor—faith. When faith, genuine and unperverted enters the equations and problems of life, God’s math multiplies an outcome that previously looked, seemed and felt impossible. The Bible is clear that “nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

Convictions are where courage collides with faith. The world needs men and women of deep conviction. Convictions establish the formula of faith as a constant in the life of one who will continue to seek God despite adversity, conflict or trial. If you are going to make a difference, then you will be a man or woman of conviction.

You want to make a difference? Exercise faith. Move forward in faith, ask by faith, stand by faith, love by faith, live by faith, rest in faith and work by faith. In order for this math to actually compute, the object of the faith must be Jesus Christ, not simply the faith itself. The faith must be applied to Jesus Christ because “in Him all the fullness” of God dwells in human form (Colossians 1:19).

Are you a difference-maker? You don’t have to be popular, powerful or polished. You don’t have to be a performer, politician or pundit.  You simply have to take one-step of faith at a time. Stop trying to run the whole journey in a day.

The difference you make is in the God you trust.

for we walk by faith, not by sight

2 Corinthians 5:7 

Devotional – Christ’s Work in Me

So often the work God is doing is first, in me.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10

We want to see God work, but we are thinking about somewhere else, someone else, and someplace else. God’s first work is in you, not hidden around you.


In Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby wrote that we should find where God is at work and join in. The problem is that we our conditioned to look outward, when so often, we should be looking inward. We must ask, “Lord, what work are you doing in me?” Then, we must join Him as he works in us.

So much of what is transpiring in the life of a born again believer in Christ Jesus is simply to make you more like Christ. You must join the Holy Spirit in his work of sanctification. Sanctification is the work of God that is both setting us apart from this world and making us like Christ.

Stop looking at the lives of others for answers–they are flawed. Stop looking at your own life for answers–you are limited an biased. Start looking for answers at Jesus who is (a) perfect, (b) unbiased, and (c) working in you. Humans are prone to make excuses, maybe you are from a different planet, but if you are not, you must always wrestle with the temptation to make excuses. We excuse ourselves with a casual frequence and an aloof indiference. Don’t make excuses for yourself. They don’t work with Christ and they only serve to delay the work he is doing in you.

Remember, God the Father’s goal for you is to make your more like Jesus. Not to make you Jesus or a God-like Jesus — that is a hallmark of false teachers and cults. Paul wrote about this saying to the Galatians, “my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!” Don’t miss the goal of “until Christ is formed in you.” This formation is always an internal work that is made evidence by outward fruit.

Christ’s inward work always begins first with repentance. The unrepentant Christian desires to see greater fruit and greater work but is restricted because the fruit of repentance has not been born first in their life.

The Christian need be encouraged that truly, he/she is Christ’s favorite palate in which to work on. There is no other person Christ loves working in more than you. He has that ability to “play a favorite” with everyone of His children!

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
Philippians 1:6

New Year, Old Problems

Problems following you into the new year?

It’s easy to feel handicapped, hindered and even at a disadvantage because of the circumstances and situations of your life. You want a new year, a fresh start but, those tired, old troubles have followed you across the invisible timeline of one year to the next.

Helen Keller, handicapped and blind in an era where there were virtually no resources or accessibility for her situation said this,

“I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work, and my God.”

It’s a matter of pursuit and perspective. If your end goal is to find what you are missing out on, then you will always strive as one beating the air. But, if you approach the hinderance/handicap as an opportunity for self-discovery, then you may discover far more about yourself than you expected.

But, moreover, the adversity could lead you to a deeper understanding and relationship with Your Creator, God.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)image

Nick Vujicic, born without arms and legs says,

“Life isn’t about having, it’s about being. You could surround yourself with all that money can buy, and you’d still be as miserable as a human can be. I know people with perfect bodies who don’t have half the happiness I’ve found.”

Too many people miss this: Be the best you, you can be. Stop trying to dream up some perfect you. Stop comparing yourself to other humans.

You don’t measure yourself against people, they are flawed and full of imperfections just like you. Rather, compare against perfection, Jesus Christ and you’ll see that all fall short.

Your problems don’t define you. You, as a living, breathing human, get to define your problems. With God’s help these “obstacles” can become opportunities for God to do some amazing work both in you and through you. Moreover, often in-spite of you.

Life, because we live outside the Garden and we are all subjected to the futility of sin, will always be filled with adversity.

Have you considered thanking God for your adversity?

That sounds strange, but it could be the first step in your road to victory.

Handicaps will produce inconvenience and obstacle, but our attitude and actions don’t have to end in frustration, futility or failure.

If God is for us, then who (or what) can be against us?
Romans 8:31

New Year, Old problems

Old problems, New Perspective!

God’s Agents: Immeasurable Capacity

The average human has misjudged their capacity for God.

Charles Spurgeon

Our finite minds have to be supernaturally stretched in order to begin, just begin to grasp the infinite nature and capacity of God. Our minds, would literally be blown. Sit for a minute and meditate on eternity. If you succeed in this meditation, you have achieved at ingesting the most minuscule crumb of how infinite God is. Now meditate on all you could achieve in this life, all you could accomplish, all you could do. Do you see how limited you are? You are exhaustable. God is inexhaustable. You are fathomable. God is unfathomable. You have a beginning and an end. God has no beginning and no end.

This explains two things: why God does not choose the intelligent & wise of this world
and why the God-man Jesus, Immanuel, revealed himself to us. The intelligent of this world will always try and grasp or calculate or rationalize the impossibility of One who is all possibilities and infinite. Paul in writing to the Corinthians made this point, “Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20). He goes on to say that it is not from the wisdom of this world that we will ever come to know God (v. 21).  This world and its most intelligent people will try to create their own understanding of eternity, instead of confessing their inability and subsequent need of help/rescue/salvation. Then, upon their creation will revell in their perceived understanding–they will glory and elevate themselves instead of giving God the Maker of Heaven and Earth glory. Isn’t that the way of man, we create and achieve with some semblence of humility, but upon the recognition of others, the cursed pride that lurks within exposes itself and we become puffed up in our knowledge and recognition of others. Rare is the individual who can receive the praise of man and be completely unaffected by it.

Jesus of Nazareth is Immanuel, God with us. Jesus is the revelation of God. All of the unfathomableness of God was wrapped up into the life of Jesus. He chose to withhold his glory while on earth, yet for one time upon the Mt. of Transfirguration (Matthew 17:1-12). He who is unlimited and infinite limited himself to finite strictures to be like his creation in every way, except one–sin. The fullness of God dwells in him (Col. 1:19). Therefore, he is able to reconcile “all things” (both finite and infinite) to himself through the peace he made on the cross (Col. 1:20).

Thus, upon rebirth through Jesus Christ, God has poured both his love and his Spirit (Romans 5:5) into our hearts satisfying the immutable cry of eternity that resides permanently there (Ecc. 3:11). Then, ability and capacity should become lost to us. The single question is whether we will obey or not. We judge the capacity of others and ourselves wrongly entirely too often in light of the “immeasurable greatness of his power for those who believe” (Eph. 1:19).

How can my capacity for God be rightly judged? It cannot be weighed by any device of human invention, machination or exploration. For your capacity for God is invisible and can only be weighed by that which is invisible. You cannot weigh invisble things with visible things. God’s Word is then our lens through which we begin to understand invisible things–God’s Word pronounces right judgment. Studying the life and teachings of Jesus is then where we see God’s invisible become visible. Then, it is God’s Spirit at work in us and through us that brings invisibility to visibility. He is the marriage for the Pentecost Christian of the mortal and the immortal, the mutable and the immutable, the incapcitated and the God-capcitated.

Faith is thus the pronouncement of God’s ability in all circumstances, in all situations, and at all times. Faith is not your acceptance of God’s ability, nature and will. Faith is the transcendent belief that has activated all the courses of your inner-being into total agreement and transformation that God is real and he is able. We misjudge our capacity for God, because we misjudge God. We misjudge our capacity for God, because we don’t know Jesus. We misjudge our capacity for God, because His Spirit is not our comforter, teacher and guide. We misjudge our capacity for God, because we have allowed others to confine and unconfinable God.

The Recipe for Relational Destruction: Bad Friendships!

Instead of our relationships getting deeper, growing better friendships and establishing stronger bonds; we live in an age of increasingly shallower relationships that create more frustration than satisfaction, more bondage than liberation and more betrayal than loyalty.

Ethan and Raegan

Ever had a friendship suffer, decay or die? Ever had a bad friend?

To say that you have a “bad friend” really means that you don’t have a friend at all. You have a relationship that is probably one-sided and costs one party much more than the other will ever attempt to give. It is often hard to let relationships go. Why? Because, we as human beings were designed to do life in a syncronicity of relationships. Relationships rise and relationships fall. Relationships grow and relationships die. Friendships are much the same. Sometimes, we are much slower to realize what’s really at play with some of the relationships we are fully engaged in. But are they really friendships? Just because you have 300, 500 or 2,000 friends of Facebook, Twitter or any other mode of social media, doesn’t mean even a fraction of these are your true friends. Just because you have 10 or 20 “friends” you can hang out with, etc., doesn’t mean these people are true friends.

The world, this nation, your community and your family all need true and lasting friendships.

The best friendships are mutually beneficial. The best friendships are a collaboration of give-and-give-and-I-can’t-wait-to-give-some-more! The best friendships are not all about the “take” they are about “receive.”

You can “take” a gift from someone and feel nothing but contempt, indifference, arrogance, or justification to the giver. Often, the giver continues to give harder in order to gain approval and acceptance. If you are working to gain either approval or acceptance from a “friend” the relationship is based on a false foundation or bottom. This is why so many relationships hit rock bottom so quickly or so unexpectedly (at least to one of the parties).

Consider the “Bought-Relationship”: The bought relationship is one where submission must first be given, superiority established and dues paid. You can work as hard as you want at the “relationship” and only ever gain frustration. Sometimes, this explains why you may become “friends”  in a fraternity or sorority and after college you may never see them (or want to see) ever again. The relationship that is built on continual acceptance is the basis for a foundationless and false friendship. If you understand this then you won’t be disappointed in these types of relationships. Friendships can foster from these environments, but the superior-inferior relationship is not based on freedom and equality. Often, marriages devolve into this kind of pattern where each spouse is keeping track of debts the other one is amassing. Then in one spouse’s mind it gives them an edge of superiority over the other–a recipe for decay.

Among “friendships” there are Takers and Receivers. Since, the core of friendship is love, and love by it’s nature is to be shared/given. Then, the prerequisite for friendship is not necessarily in how well you give, but in your ability to both give and receive. Bad Friends (who aren’t really your friends) are Users and Takers. They use what you have or have access to and are always ready to take more. They are selfish to their core and you merely exist in their life because you represent a conduit of access. A friend is not a friend if they are using your access to improve their existence–this is manipulation.

A True Friend is an Applier and a Receiver. The difference is in the intention. A true friend graciously receives what you give and applies it appropriately. This can be time spent together, a meeting, a conversation, a trust or a physical gift.Deep within a true friend lies the recognition that what is given as a gift is a measure of who the giver is. This is often why true friends give one another really good gifts–they both know how to give and receive in equal measure.

True Friends Have Souls Knit-Together

In the Bible, David and Jonathan are a picture of this type of true friendship. Literally, their friendship is described as their “souls being knit together.” When you connect on this level with another the fabrics of your lives are deeply intertwined and a nearly unbreakable bond is established. Trust and truth abound. Loyalty is inherent in this friendship, because any outside ripping or pulling of the friendship fabric affects both people. If this seems like a little “too deep end” for your friendships, then most likely, your friendships, although, genuine probably hover on very superficial and shallow areas of the relationship. Friends whose souls are knit-together will undergo risk, adveristy and trials for one another. And when the dust clears, the friendship has been strengthened by this kind of adversity.

There is great wisdom on friendship in the Bible, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” Proverbs 17:17. These are true friends, reliable, loving and loyal in adversity. We must aspire and work to be such friends to those in our lives.

What say you?

Get Rid of the Airbrush; When the Church Becomes Cool

The Church Needs to Throw Away the Airbrush 

We are a culture obsessed with perfection. We are an airbrushed society filled with artists that practice fabrication and deception on a scale and level never known in the history of the world. Reality is blurring into fantasy, at least in the realm of media. And it dominates our world: globally, locally, interpersonally & spiritually.

Get rid of the airbrush. Stop sanitizing saints who don’t want sanctification. Stop the new lineage of for-profit pastors. Christians in America want our preachers to be famous, the Church to be his platform, and the members his biggest fans. Enter the airbrush: messy Scripture is ignored, convicting truths reformed, and image becomes more important than substance.

Sadly, the airbrush has infected many of our churches. Members think they have to look perfect and act perfect. All this acting has put on a show for far too long. Stop acting and start living! You have real struggles and real problems, but we are so scared that others will perceive us to be “lesser” christians. Acting never got anyone to heaven–remember Judas?! He was the best actor of all and look where he ended up–utterly ruined. Pastors have become peddlers of personal perfection and pundits of pretensions, instead of red-hot prognosticators of purity and the Prince of Peace! Row-after-row of parishioners are left believing the pastor is perfect and his wife is perfect and his kids…well, we know better than that! (For the record: I am a preacher’s kid)

Spoiler alert: Most of the models on the covers of magazines have been more than a little “touched up” by expert editors a.k.a. airbrush artists. We are guilty of “touching up” our websites, our sanctuaries, our pulpits, our tv screens, our people, our kids areas, our logos, our “extras”, our worship-leaders and sadly, our pastors.  Churches have started cashing in on their “cover-boy” pastors. Church members have started believing that they need the latest, greatest, coolest, shirt-untucked, Abercrombie-looking, model pastor. It is ridiculous to see men in their 50’s and 60’s trying to look like they are 25, just so they can reach the younger generation. Do you really think having a “cool” pastor impresses Jesus? Do you think your “cool” pastor will make the Scripture more palatable? Do you think a cool building is what you need? A cool worship leader? A cool sanctuary? A cool website? A cool kid’s area? 

Stop being cool. Jesus had a word for cool. It was neither hot nor cold, it was lukewarm. The gospel has never been cool. It will never be cool, if your gospel is cool, then you have an apostate version. The gospel of Jesus Christ is red hot. It is a consuming fire. There is no cool in it. And, by the way, Jesus said “cool” makes him want to vomit (Revelation 3:16).

It’s evident by many of the messages heard today that many preacher-boys spend more time preening and primping than they do in true preparation for their sermon. They are not prepared to be an “oracle” of God, because they have not heard from God. Seminary taught them how to cut up, divide and Greek-i-fy a passage of Scripture. But, seminary can never teach you the power of God. Oh many professors, presidents, and administers have the power, but they learned it on their knees, through their tears, and in their sufferings. The power of God was never learned in a practicum, in a popularity contest or in a Porsche. It is better learned in a prison, kneeling in a pew or a Ford Pinto!

There are fewer and fewer Spirit-filled and Spirit-led members in our churches. They don’t know the Spirit, so they are not listening for his voice. They learned that the pastor is the authority. Hogwash! Only Jesus is the authority in the Church–his church. The Spirit testifies, searches and calls from the depths, from “deep unto to deep” (Psalm 42:7, 1 Corinthians 2:10). But, we aren’t a spiritually deep people. We are mostly shallow, muddied waters.

How deep is your church? Probably not that deep, because if it is your church it will be as shallow as the newest member. If it is your church, then your shovel will hit bottom very quickly. Oh, but if it is Jesus’ Church, His Bride, then, no rock could ever be dropped to hit the bottom. His depth is unfathomable.

Where has the depth gone in the Church? We don’t want deep sermons, we want entertainment. We don’t want deep hymns, we want anthems. We don’t want to memorize Scripture, we want a new app. We don’t want prayer meetings, we want bounce-houses and coffee shops. We don’t want the poor, we want the wealthy. We don’t want missionaries, we want rock-stars. We don’t want prophets, we want puppets. We don’t the Spirit, we want cheerleaders. We don’t want heaven, we want the world. We don’t want Jesus, we want me. Terrell Owens summed it up very well, “I love me some, me.”

The Church must wake up. Maybe, it’s the Church that needs an ice-water challenge?! We are so busy being so full of our-selves, we’ve left no room for Christ. We’ve pushed him to the fringes of our comfortable, narcoleptic lives. Wake up! Hear the preparations of the King. He will ride upon the Four Winds. The Trumpet will sound.  He will return. He is coming. But, will he find his servants asleep? Will he find his Bride faithful?

…when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:8

When Food Wins; You Lose

When Food Wins; You Lose!

Food is fuel. Pure and simple.

Anything beyond that leads us into the realm of temptation. The temptation is to either partake (a) too much or (b) too little.


Food can and will become your master if you are not disciplined and honest.

Food is a hard master. It will either push you away saying you ‘can’t have’ to keep you held to a false image or pull you in saying ‘indulge’ by constructing you into false image of a different sort. One image can never be “thin” enough, the other can always handle one more helping.

Eve, I believe, saw in the forbidden fruit, her image. An image she was tempted to view wrongly. She was made in God’s image, not the image of the world and the food of the world. For she saw, “…that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise…” (Genesis 3:6).

She saw the power, the allure of making her own image. The vehicle of temptation was food.

I own a restaurant. I can eat whatever I want when I want. I could put gravy on everything and icedream on everything and…too my shame, I have. In fact, my father told me that when I grew up I could do this very thing. And I did, to the tune of becoming a glutton (+/- 250 lbs).

Interestingly enough, when Daniel and his friends were taken to Babylon, one of the first temptations they faced was to partake of delicacies from the king’s own table. Daniel 1:8 says,

“But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank.”

Food in the wrong allotment of kind and portion will defile you. Just as, food without proper allotment will destroy you. If you do not give your appetite to God, then you are a prime candidate for allowing Satan and the images of the world to both defile and destroy you.

But, these four courageous, disciplined men were willing to take an early stand against this temptation to be made into the image of an earthly king receiving the applause and attention of the world. But rather, they saw their image not in the world, but in the audience of a Heavenly King.

We have the story of Eve, lacking no indulgence but yielding the one thing she shouldn’t have. And we have Daniel and friends, lacking no indulgence, yet, resisting until they receive the one thing that set them apart. Eve failed. Daniel and friends succeeded.

You’ve forgotten you have a choice. Every day you have a choice.

Let’s say you are loosing this battle of choice, I mean you’ve been beaten for a long time. Where do you start?

1. Admit you are a slave and you have a master and its name is food and or image. You are not your body’s master.

2. Surrender. Give up. Ask Jesus Christ to help you see that you are a new creation: 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

3. Find a group to mark and measure. I needed the pain of accountability and truth spoken into my life by others. Two specific, painful statements were spoken to me:

Our good college-distance runner friend, “Alex, we know what you eat…you will never have a runner’s body!” Truth-zinger it hurt, but it was said in love and timely.

Then, our truth-telling daughter who has Asperger’s Syndrome, “Dad, I recognized you across the parking lot,” she said. “How?” I asked. “By your shape,” she replied and she drew my pumpkin shape in the air with her hands…ouch! Truth!

I was living in the illusion of a lie. The man I had let myself become, was not the man God intended me to be.

So, I began a slow journey. Back and forth. No real ground gained. I loved food. Thought about food, snacks, desserts and more food. Back and forth. I would starve myself. I called it fasting, but, in reality I would drop 12 lbs one week; only by the next weekend to have gained 14 back! The cycle depressed me.

I needed a life-style change and discipline.

Then, I discovered a measurement tool: a calorie tracker app cal MyfitnessPal. For the first time in my life I began to measure my intake on everything–discovery! I was eating 2-3 days of calories in 1 day! The beauty of the app is that if you are not eating enough it will show you that you need to eat more and obviously, if you are consuming too much.

Here’s the truth: you will never have a perfect body. To believe such goes against the entire course of human history. Only Adam and Eve had perfect bodies. Once they sinned they brought imperfection to the genetic code of all humanity. Stop trying to have a “perfect” body, it’s impossible. Work on a healthy and fit body to the best of your ability.

God can and will fill up what you are lacking for only “in Christ are we made complete” (Colossians 2:10).

The choice is yours. Start choosing well today. You can do it. You can keep doing it.


I love hearing from you. Send me questions I can answer in future posts.

Thought of the Day: Measurement

5’11” 3/4″ is my height. 185.4 lbs is my weight.

I am measurable.

God is not measurable.

The measure of your perspective often dictates the depth of your faith.


A dirt mound looks like a mountain to an ant, but to a human of any size it can easily be kicked over with minimal effort. A rock to an ant might be impossible to move, but the smallest child can toss it across the yard.

Man, trapped in a measurable form; man, made of muscle, sinew, blood & bone; man, formed from dust and clay is confined and limited by the very body he inhabits. Thus, there will be continual impossibilities in the life of every human.

You will face great adversity, great trial and impossible situations. These will come because you are powerless to affect many of them. But, these will also come so that God can show you His power over them.

Because, “nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

God, who the Bible tells us unfathomable, immeasurable, and limitless (Job 11:7, Psalm 145:3, Ecc. 3:11, Isaiah 40:13) revealed Himself to mankind through Jesus Christ “the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:13).

Humans measure against primary two things: standards and others. We teach immovable standards of measurement for scale, scope and size. Those are obvious and elementary. However, as humans with a tainted, sinful bent we are constantly measuring ourselves against others and others against our view of ourself. This is wrong.

It only leads to the sin of comparison. Comparison is really covetous measurement of yourself against another. In comparison we tend become our own judges. James writes, “…But who are you to judge your neighbor?” (4:12).

Remember, Jesus lived a perfect life. How do you measure against perfection? If we are honest with ourselves, we realize how far short we  compare to Christ. Sadly, many of us are not honest with ourselves by excusing our own actions by measuring and magnifying the actions of anyone other than ourself.

Honest measurement is found in examining one’s life against Jesus. For in this measurement we will always fall short of perfection. This is good. It reminds us who life is really about. This is humbling. When we measure it must be against Jesus: the perfect other and the perfect standard.

Don’t fall into the trap of measuring against other flawed humans. It will kill your faith and limit your understanding of the unlimitless nature of God. Don’t erode your faith by stepping up to and sitting down upon the dais of judgment. Rather, view the mountains in your life of guilt, doubt, fear, and hopelessness with the understanding that,

“if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20).

For to which ant did he ever call son or daughter?


Meditation of the Day – Hope

The word which God has written on the brow of every man is Hope” Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Les Miserables

I took Julie to see Les Miserables at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. We sat up really, really high. I needed glasses, but hadn’t gotten any yet. Needless to say, I couldn’t see who was who on stage. I also didn’t know the story. I was trying to read the program to figure out what was going on the whole time. Then, I realized everyone was singing. I had two options: be quiet or ask Julie repeatedly what was going on. To her displeasure and of those around us, I chose the latter. I was hoping to figure out what was going on. She was just hoping I would be quiet!

Devotional of the Day: Victory

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 15:57

Let me teach many of you a new word today: Ephemeral. Ephemeral means “lasting for a day only.” It’s kind of like the expression “here today gone tomorrow.” Christians need to understand that their victory in Jesus Christ is not ephemeral, but, eternal.

Satan, the world and your flesh will all lead you to believe that your position, your ability to overcome, and your victory are all but for a moment. But they are wrong, it is rather our suffering and “afflictions that are but for a moment” (2 Corinthians 4:17). The Bible tells us that this victory has the eternal weight of glory bearing down on us. God is being revealed to and in you, that is part of the eternal glory.

Not all pressure is bad pressure. Pressure causes stress. Stress will either produce cracks or change. Change is transformation and God is in the transforming business. Sometimes the “pressure” you are experiencing is the pressure of a victor. Some food, in order to be prepared fully, needs to undergo the pressure cooker. I didn’t say it is fun or pleasurable. Often walking in victory can be difficult. But, perhaps it is needed. What in your life is putting you under pressure? What is causing it?

But, this victory is producing in us an eternal glory “that is beyond all comparison.” Don’t let the minor obstacles of life become major hinderances, for remember your faith is not ephemeral. Don’t let your thanksgiving be either! Make a commitment this day to express “thanks be to God” throughout the pressures of your day, remembering that is is our Lord Jesus Christ “who gives us the victory.”

Be encouraged dear brother or sister with these words,

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer selfc is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, ESV