Podcast – Unlocking Millennial Myths

The truth is between technology, helicopter parents and a lack of perseverance Millennials are being told some myths that are affecting the way they work, the way they think about work and how they see their lives. And sadly, it’s not helping. It’s time to unlock these myths with a good, healthy dose of the truth.

Seven Myths Millennials are being told and sold today:

1 – The Myth: Development is someone else’s responsibility. The Truth: Development is your responsibility. Most development takes a while. Most Millennials don’t want to wait. There is an impatience problem with many millennials today. If development isn’t your responsibility, then you are waiting for someone else to carry you.

2- The Myth: If you want something, ask and it should be given to you. The Truth: If you want something, go work for it. Figure out where your organization is going and get ahead of it. Think of a boat. Paddle out in front of where you see things going. Don’t just say “Hey, someone needs to help me, someone needs to give to me, someone needs to do this for me.” Start by Going to work for it. Take initiative in the right direction. This is called alignment.

3 – The Myth: Showing up is work. The Truth: Work requires more than just showing up. Showing up doesn’t mean you added any value. Putting the work in is where the value comes from. You may not get recognized for the work that you do. Great results are undeniable. Keep working, keep getting results. It’s impossible over time to neglect great results.

Many Millennials think they are doing the right thing. Are you sure? You may just be doing your own thing! Do what is required of you. Sometimes that’s hard, takes a long time and is uncomfortable.

4- The Myth: We learn well in comfort. The Truth: Comfort is a terrible teacher. The most valuable lessons we have learned have often come from the most pain. Comfort is a terrible teacher. We live in a culture that wants to celebrate comfort. Celebrating comfort is a form of selfishness.

5- The Myth: The easy way is the best way. The truth: The best way is almost never the easy way. Life isn’t easy. If you believe that life is easy, then you’ve believed a lie. Life is full of challenges and uncertainty. If you aren’t careful you will plot a “risk-free” and “safe” life. I don’t propose being reckless in regards to risk, but you will have to make some strategic bets and take chances. Things that are easy to acquire have little value. Life is difficult. If you have an easy job, with an easy boss and easy assignments you will rarely get anywhere. Getting somewhere worthwhile requires great effort. Read the biographies of those people who accomplished really great stuff: they all underwent some really hard things.

6 – The Myth: You define yourself. The Truth: What you pursue defines you. What you give your time, energy and resources to is what people will remember you by. Most often what you will eventually find is that you are at the center of what you are seeking. When you define yourself, you are simply revealing that you are pursing yourself. What you find with really selfless people is that the pursuit is not about themselves. It’s something outside of them. The position never fulfills you, the pursuit does, if it is the right pursuit. You must pursue something greater than you. Pursue something that can truly make a difference in life.

Jesus told his followers to “Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and (then) all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). He was saying, “Get over yourself, get outside your self and pursue something greater than you.” I’ll give you the target. I’ll show you the way. But, you must do the work. You must be in hot pursuit.

7- The Myth: Information equates to learning. The Truth: It’s only learning if you apply the information correctly. More information does not equate to learning. It just means you are becoming full of information. Lots of information without application just confuses.  I see too many Millennials who want to poll a bunch of people and collect a bunch of information, yet still make the same mistakes over and over again. This tells me that they have actually learned nothing, because they haven’t applied the information in a way that demonstrates wisdom.

This world is full of complexity, uncertainty and challenges. You need truth in order to navigate the most successful and productive path in this world.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free



(c) Alex Vann, 2018