Different by Choice

Do you want to have influence? Do you want to make a difference in the world in which you live?

Then, you have to be really, really intentional about doing it–especially when you don’t seem to be getting any results for doing it.

Make the choice to put something into where you are, as opposed to what you can take out of it. This is the choice to give. It takes incredible humility. When you begin to give, you might receive praise or you might not ever get recognized for it. However, if you do get recognized, don’t take the bait. Keep giving. Keep pushing the praise away from your heart, so that your purpose does not become diluted.

You could potentially spend your whole life trying to make a difference and never see the fruitfulness of your difference. But, that must not stop you. You must believe from the very core of your being (your heart) that you are a difference-maker, not a difference-inspector. Most people like the role of inspector–a checker, a watcher and a criticizer.

But, if YOU want to make a difference, don’t play those roles. Play the role of a giver. When you walk into a room, into an organization or into a relationship–walk into put something into it, not take something out of it. If you are gifted, then use your gift to benefit others.

Why do you do it?

That’s the question “Why?” Why am I here? Why am I doing this? Why is the question of motivation. Everyone is motivated by something or someone. Something is at the core of everyone who is doing. Why is really a question about purpose. When people, relationships, families, groups and organizations understand their purpose they can leverage their energy into fulfilling that purpose. This makes life, work and everything in between incredible clear. Purpose brings clarity. The reason your life is so muddled, so confused and so unbalanced is your why is unclear. Unclear whys produce unclear lives.

Michael, Jr. the comedian has an insight into this topic.

The key is not to know what, the key is to know why. Because when you know your why, you have options on what your what can be.

Simon Sinek in his book, “Start with Why” addresses the same concept. He says,

People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

I agree with him. If you really want to connect with people then you have to connect at the deepest level: the level of the heart, the level of why. When people believe your heart, they believe your why. What has to follow why. But, we don’t do that. We simply start doing. We live and lead unintentional lives. Unintentional lives lead to unintentional consequences. Unintentional lives are untethered lives. Living untethered means you are prone to wander, prone to drift and prone to great frustration. 

Here’s the problem, most people have stopped long enough to figure out why they are doing what they are doing. This explains why about 85% of Americans in the workforce are not satisfied working where they are working. It’s not that they work itself is unfulfilling, but they simply don’t know why they are doing it or why they are there.

Make the choice to make the choice. You can’t sit on the fence any longer. You made the mistake of reading to this point in this article. Make the choice to be intentional. This means you have to get involved. You have to get over yourself and over your preferences and align your present circumstances with your purpose. This is incredibly liberating and empowering. When you align people to purpose the result is empowerment. 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11, NIV

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

One thought on “Different by Choice

  1. Thanks Alex, both for the article, and also for the soloist. Glad you were used Sunday at Britt David. Tim has done a fantastic job over the past 15 years; a really fine man.


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