Faithful When the Road Darkens

Where in your life is your understanding unclear? Are there circumstances, situations and outcomes that simply don’t make sense? For the business leader, parent, employee or student there is and always will be a certain darkness that envelops your path in life. Therefore, will you be tossed to and fro by the doubts of darkness or take the next step composed of faith and faithfulness despite the developing darkness?

Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens” J. R. R. Tolkien

JRR Tolkien

The question, after destination has been determined, is to determine if you are heading in the right direction. Often this is when the darkness closes in. What seemed so certain, so assured has now become clouded.

One of two things happens: (a) doubt enters or (b) faith(fullness) appears. It is your choice to follow either direction.

Don’t miss this: doubt is a direction and it leads exactly away from where you were headed. Doubt leaves the peaceful harbor, encounters a storm and regrets having embarked on the journey! Doubt says “throw me overboard, turn back or it’s all over!” Doubters have a hard time staying committed because their lives are full of regrets and u-turns.

We fail to live when we fail to take faith. There is inherent risk in every act of faith. There is inherent risk in every act of faithfulness. Really? Yes, taking the next step always means that you trust the ground is still there. It takes faith to pick your foot up and move forward.

Temper your expectations of both fear and of grandeur. Resolve to live the committed life of the faithful, not the casual and fearful existence of the doubter. It often requires more faith to stay committed in the mundane, the boring and the ordinary than the moments of legend and heroism.

Remember in the mist of uncertainty, choose faith(fulness). Build a legacy that will be a gift to those to whom you influence. Legacy is composed of a lifetime not of a moment. Will your legacy be composed of a story or merely an anecdote?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

3 thoughts on “Faithful When the Road Darkens

  1. Alex,
    Hey there, it is Jenny Smith, not sure you remember me, my family and I left Wynnbrook in September to PCS to Colorado Springs, I had helped with taking a group picture when they were done if that helps you remember me. Anyways I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this post! Last week I found out I lost an aunt to suicide. I am very sad, hurt and confused about it. My aunt was as devoted to God as you are while I was growing up and even in my adult life until recently I guess when she got depressed real bad. I am so lost and confused about how someone like you let Satan win. I want to understand how that happens knowing I probably never will and maybe it is not for me to understand. I believe that she wanted to be our Lord and have peace again and comfort too. This post just hits home for me right now. Can I be so bold as to ask that you pray for me and my family during this hard time please? Thank you so much for making this blog and sharing your wisdom with all 🙂

    • Jenny, of course I remember you and Chelsea(sp?) sitting on the front row:) I will certainly be praying for you and your family during this difficult time. Matthew 6:33-34, Phil. 4:6-7. AV

      • Thanks Alex! You spelled her name right too 🙂 I meant to say in that comment that the post had made me think of my Aunt which I was related it to that in my comment.

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