God is Good

God is good.

But do we really believe that?

I mean, there is great sorrow, strife, discord, and injury in our lives–almost continually it would seem. Despite humanities “advances” in medicine, science, technology, and equality, the abuses and injuries from one human to another continue to mount. It is evident that our advances do not enhance man’s ability to be good. And because humanity continues to destroy one another, we find it easy, in fact, it’s promoted to doubt the goodness of God.

In God we trust

So, again do we really believe that God is good?

Well, truly, only you can answer that question.

But, what is evident is that we don’t believe it, when the object of our focus moves from the totality of God’s goodness to enormity of our issues, adversities and concerns. We scrap His goodness and replace them with our worries. When we do this, we sin.

When worry becomes the object of our focus, we have made an idol. When doubt becomes the object, we have made an idol. When prediction of future happenings becomes the object we have made an idol. Paul writes “flee from idols” (1 Corinthians 10:14).

If you flee, you become a refugee. Too many Christians won’t flee–won’t flee their idols. These idols have taken first place in our lives. When the idol has taken first place, then they have captured your hands, your strength, your mind, and ultimately your heart. Refugees must flee. Flee with abandon. A refugee that doesn’t flee with abandon, will never worship God with abandon.

The Bible has some other names for a refugee: a pilgrim, an exile or a sojourner. Consider what the Apostle Peter wrote,

Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.” (1 Peter 2:11)

But, a refugee has one aim…find refuge. Refuge is a place of security and provision. A refuge is a stronger place than the strong forces that are pushing and pulling against you. Once found, this refuge is a good place.

The LORD is good, a refuge (stronghold) in the day of trouble; he knows (takes care of) those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7

For this discourse, an object is that thing that attracts, engages, captures and then demands our attention. Once our attention is sufficiently engaged, we begin to measure ourselves against the object. This is where worship enters. The distance between your heart and the object is the length at which you will go to worship, until the object captures your heart. Once it captures your heart, a throne is established. And once the throne is established a course will be set.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23, NLT

Who or what is seated on the throne of your heart?

If it is nothing, then you are like a rudderless ship being pushed whichever way the currents in your life push you. If it is another human, then you are always measuring yourself by, for or against them, and they are as flawed as you are. If it is an dream, a future, then you become a slave to the dream regardless of reality. If it is a worry, you will become consumed.

That which you worship will always consume you. And if you worship nothing, then, either you will consume yourself or you will be consumed by everything else.

David, despite the plethora of adversity, sorrow and suffering knew that God was good as he wrote, “I remian confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:13). Idols kill your confidence in God. Only God can restore, revive and resurrect your confidence in Himself. When I see God’s faithfulness, I know that He is good. When I see God’s kindness, I know that He is good. When I see God’s creation, I know that He is good. When I met God’s Son, Jesus, I know that He is good.

Trust in God is never misplaced. Our Founding Fathers knew this and had it stamped onto the edifices and economy of our country “In God We Trust.”

Is “In God I Trust” stamped on the throne of your heart? If not, you will have a hard time saying “God is good.”


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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