Make Your Home a “Magic” Kingdom

Make Your Home a “Magic” Kingdom


When your children are grown, how will they describe the home they grew up in? Stuffy, boring, harsh, cruel, empty, warm, loving…maybe, even MAGICAL?!

I’ve had the pleasure to go to the Disney Parks multiple times as an adult with my children. I never had the opportunity to go as a child. In fact, I was so far removed from the “magic” I had no interest. As an adult, my interest was discouraged when I saw the price of admission!

But, I’ll never forget the first time I went. My eyes widened, my mouth hung agape, and I was in awe. The “magic” hit me on Main Street USA. Cost ceased to matter. I couldn’t wait to experience everything. I was already looking forward to coming back.

1. The “magic” is being part of something bigger than you. See, when you go to Disney World, you become part of Walt Disney’s dream, it’s bigger than you! Make your home a place where you elevate the minds and hearts of your children. Make your home a place where you can believe in one another. It’s more than just being “proud” of your kids. It’s believing the beyond for your children. It’s allowing your children to dream big. It’s engaging and empowering for them to believe beyond themselves. I believe this  can be healthy (it can be not healthy if reality is never accepted that’s called delusion), because most often, you are your own worst enemy!

Nothing is bigger than God. When you engage your children in believing in God’s ability in all areas of life, they believe. It’s almost automatic. It’s often not until they experience the falsehood of humanity and the cruelty of the world that faith becomes difficult. Remember, Jesus was telling adults that unless they “became like little children” they would never enter his kingdom (Mark 10:15). Little children have the capacity for trust and the propensity to believe in big things beyond their comprehension.

2. The “magic” is in the Experience. See, your children will remember what you say because you repeat it. But, your children will believe what you say when they observe its truth in your life and experience it in their own life. This really applies to faith in God. Sadly, too many parents that claim Christianity have no or opposite experiences in their faith. No wonder, their children so readily turn away from their “Christian roots.”  Few things elevate your children’s minds like sharing your faith experiences. Sadly, for many Western Christians their faith experiences are just that…few.

Parent says, “Kids, I know you haven’t been to Disney, but let me tell you about it…” Child wants to believe, but hasn’t experienced it. After spending all day in the park, child now says, “Dad, you were right, it was awesome!Share experiences with your children. Share meals, share books, share trips, share joys, share sorrows, share tears, share everything. Selfishness kills sharing. Envy destroys sharing. Jealousy strangles sharing. Love demands being shared. Homes must flow freely and richly with love, because love experienced always trumps love expected.

Magic kingdoms are full of love. Too many homes are missing love. Mom and Dad are out of love. Everybody pursues their own loves. Love has been replaced by competition, jealousy or absence.  Children receive harshness instead of gentleness. Anger instead of peace. Outbursts instead of soft answers. An unloving home is cold and lonely. A loving home is warm and inviting. 

Plan family experiences. Experiences don’t have to be expensive. In fact, some of the most memorable experiences we’ve had as a family have cost very little. Make your experiences full of excitement, awe, and maybe even a little danger! Instead of going on a hike, we call them “adventures.” Have family sleepovers. Make tents out of blankets and chairs, write stories together, draw pictures… bottom line: create things as a family.

3. The “Magic” is in the Great Order Behind the Scenes. There is just as much or more of the Park that guests never see, unless you take the behind the scenes tour. And what you see is great, strategic planning and order. See, to many homes are full of disorder. I’m tired of reading blog posts about “it’s okay to live in a messy house.” That’s just an excuse for laziness or the parents’ indulgence in other priorities.

Walt Disney said, “Whatever you do, do it well.”

The home that is “magical” will be orderly: well-organized, well-run & well-founded. I’m not talking about living in a museum (although some of you would like that), where nothing can be touched. But rather when you maintain order, children have a more stable environment by which to grow, live, dream and think in. Their imaginations, dreams and hopes have room to take off and fly. A disorderly home is a recipe for implosion, explosion and disaster. Dreams, hopes and faith have a way of dying on the runway in chaotic, cluttered and callous homes.

Don’t live separate lives from your children. As much as possible, incorporate your lives together. Julie and I (and my brother Adrian) have had the opportunity to observe this in action in the lives of Bubba and Cindy Cathy (son of Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy).  Even as their children are mostly grow—family is still a priority. It is evident that their grown children want to spend time with them! I’ve seen them still travel together, play sports together and worship together. This is magical!

Too many of you reading this don’t want to, can’t stand or don’t have the opportunity to spend time with your parents. If you are not intentional and experiential with your children in doing life together, they will repay the favor.

Make your home a magic kingdom—part of God’s Heavenly kingdom for

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (Matthew 13:44, ESV)

How much are you investing in your home…all?  





*I credit Jesus and Julie for revealing most of this to me. I am often a blockhead, slow at grasping things, that’s why I write;)

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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