Why Your Great Idea Died

Ever had an idea or thought you turned into a plan that didn’t produce the results you wanted? Chances are yes, and you are not alone. Ideas are like children. They must be birthed, nurtured, […]

What Picking Cucumbers Taught Me!

What Picking Cucumbers Taught Me! I remember picking cucumbers as a boy in the fields of the Pee Dee region of South Carolina in the summer. It was hot. The kind of hot where the […]

Work hard, rest well and worship God

    Working hard only guarantees you will become tired. It does not guarantee that you will be successful, attractive, more well-liked or even get what you were working for. I have found that we […]

Can’t Stay Motivated? Few Can, Here’s How…

It is easy in a world full of takers to “run out of gas” or get “burnt out.” The solution therefore lies not in the fuel, not in the fire, but in the…spark! What and […]

A Letter to a Brother on the Status of Stumbling Block or Chief Cornerstone

Introduction:  I sat down and wrote this the other day, not specifically about you, but to you as an outlet to address some thoughts I was having–a conversation with myself, but not to myself. The […]

The Risk of Commitment: Intention is not Commitment

The Risk of Commitment: Intending is not Committing I have observed that many people can never break the cycle of failure. They start strong, they intend well, they may even plan to some extent, but […]

Possession and the Disciple

Possession and the Disciple You have undoubtedly heard it said that possession is 9/10ths of the law. However, for the Christian possession is 10/10th’s or “all’ of the law. What? Jesus says, “Love the Lord […]

Obstacles (Often Unseen) Leaders Must Overcome — Pt. 3: Admiration

Admiration — does admiration help the leader or the organization at all? “…the flattering mouth brings ruin.” Don’t confuse admiration with encouragement. A true encourager is on par with a trusted adviser. An encourager is […]

Obstacles (Often Unseen) Leaders Must Overcome – Pt. 2: Insulation

Insulation — the archaic definition of this word means to literally “make an island.” Insulation was a defensive technique that cities or castles used to keep enemies out, whereby they dug trenches to cut easy […]

Obstacles (Often Unseen) Leaders Must Overcome — Pt. 1: Isolation

Obstacles (Often Unseen) Leaders Must Overcome Part 1: Isolation Often it’s not the obstacle that you can see that causes you to stumble, but rather the obstacle you can’t see that impairs, impales, and immobilizes […]