Redwall Leadership Thought of the Week


Redwall Leadership
Thought of the Week: 
Lead with joy. 
“When joy is a habit, love is a reflex.”
-Bob Goff
Leaders must demonstrate a love for their teams and their people above a love for their position, their recognition or their results. Leaders must lead with joy. Joy is a contagious energy that warms the hearts and souls of those around you. It is a well of happiness that refreshes the lives of those around you. Make joy your habit. In order to do this you must get over yourself.
A bad attitude blesses no one. A bad attitude tells everyone two things: stay out of my way and I’m miserable. It’s unacceptable for a leader to live with a bad attitude. A bitter spirit is a poison pill. If you want to bless those who labor with you and for you, greet them with joy. Joy is infectious energy that lifts the hearts and minds of those working with you to another level.
Work takes us down. Joy lifts us up. Love keeps us up. A joy-filled work environment has to be created. Joy exercises the demons of bitterness, jealousy and bad attitudes. Joy and disgruntlement have a hard time existing in the same space. When people are lifted by your joy, they feel loved. Love creates life and loyalty. Joy lifts an atmosphere, love changes it.
A leader’s responsibility is not to increase the misery, but to decrease the pressure by bringing the joy. 
(C) Alex Vann, 2018