Effort is the Great Equalizer

Talent doesn’t advance alone. Effort is the equalizer of success. If you think that just because you are the most skilled, the most talented or the most gifted, that you will automatically advance or progress […]
Talent doesn’t advance alone. Effort is the equalizer of success. If you think that just because you are the most skilled, the most talented or the most gifted, that you will automatically advance or progress […]
What Picking Cucumbers Taught Me! I remember picking cucumbers as a boy in the fields of the Pee Dee region of South Carolina in the summer. It was hot. The kind of hot where the […]
The Risk of Commitment: Intending is not Committing I have observed that many people can never break the cycle of failure. They start strong, they intend well, they may even plan to some extent, but […]
Admiration — does admiration help the leader or the organization at all? “…the flattering mouth brings ruin.” Don’t confuse admiration with encouragement. A true encourager is on par with a trusted adviser. An encourager is […]
Insulation — the archaic definition of this word means to literally “make an island.” Insulation was a defensive technique that cities or castles used to keep enemies out, whereby they dug trenches to cut easy […]
Obstacles (Often Unseen) Leaders Must Overcome Part 1: Isolation Often it’s not the obstacle that you can see that causes you to stumble, but rather the obstacle you can’t see that impairs, impales, and immobilizes […]
“If you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small” Proverbs 24:10 This is one of my favorite Bible verses. It tells me that no matter what I am faces with, I must choose […]