The Risk of Commitment: Intention is not Commitment

The Risk of Commitment: Intending is not Committing

I have observed that many people can never break the cycle of failure. They start strong, they intend well, they may even plan to some extent, but in the end they end in absolute, abject failure and frustration.

“Roll your works…” (Prov. 16:3)

I have seen many people that begin well but implode or explode shortly into the journey.  I have seen people hover on the edge of success never touching or grasping it, but always hanging around—grasping vainly at something potentially tangible, but always invisible. I have seen others develop great intentions that would produce truly impactful results, but never get beyond the intending. I have observed a great idea that never launches because of a lack of great preparation or great patience. I have seen achievement become elusive like a white whale because the suitor grew weary, worn and complacent.