Learning to Lead in a Turbulent World – The Z Leader (Episode 1)

The Z Leader Podcast: Turbulence – Episode 1

Turbulence is one word that I would describe today’s collective environment that leaders have to develop and lead in.

Turbulence is the state of agitation, disturbance, unbalanced or instability—lacking calm.

There is very little calm and balanced about our world today. Generation Z has been described as being born between 1995 and 2010, meaning that the oldest of them are about 22. We live in a world in upheaval, meaning elements of our society that were once viewed as stable, as norms and some even sacred are changing right in front of our eyes. Add to that the advent and availability of the smart phone, and we have the most unstable, distracted and insecure environment that our world has seen in a long time.

This is the world that leaders have to navigate. It is a world filled with uncertainty.

Uncertainty = Insecurity

Leaders today need to establish and communicate clear paths of security. A clear path is clearly visible. The day for invisible paths has past. There’s no more “just wait and see” or “we’ll get there eventually.” Clear, concise and visible paths are needed. There simply is too much uncertainty to be obscure and aloof in the path you are helping create for those you are leading. Because security, today, equates to stability.

Security = Stability

1- The Z Leader needs to be a calm voice and a calming presence.

We can’t talk about keeping calm. You actually have to have a leadership voice that communicates and broadcasts to those around you that everything will be okay. The unspoken reality is that many of those on your team actually don’t think it’s going to be okay or they don’t feel like it will be okay.

“Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options.” ~Simon Sinek

When you are calm you are able to see, think, process and react more clearly and more quickly.

2- The Z Leader needs to demonstrate a clear path.

When insecurity threatens, no longer the proverbial “trust me and keep quiet will work” everyone has a voice today, it is the calm voice with the clear path that leaders must demonstrate in today’s world. People can’t figure out how things work any more, because the old norms are in upheaval. The idea of “just figure it out” hardly exists anymore.

The Z Leader needs to make consistent decisions. Our world doesn’t need any more catered to, inconsistent decisions. Consistency is key to longevity. A machine that is consistent in its movements lasts longer than a machine that is inconsistent and warped in its movements.

3 – The Z Leader needs a smooth flow.

Your flow is how you move. People are looking for leaders like never before. If you can’t flow in today’s turbulent world, you wont have many followers. In fact, there is a manic nature about who to follow. Because there is so much inconsistency, your flow, your movements tell people where you are going. You have to be visible, you have to be public, you have to be where the people are if you are going to lead them. People today are choosing any voice rather than no voice to follow.

This is the first of more to come on the idea of the Z Leader. The Z Leader Podcast will be landing on other platforms as well.

Keep learning. Keep leading. Find your flow and walk in it…

“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise” 

~Ephesians 5:15

(c) Alex Vann