Be Strong and Courageous. And, Don’t Give Up!

“If you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small” Proverbs 24:10

This is one of my favorite Bible verses. It tells me that no matter what I am faces with, I must choose not to quit. I have quoted my father many times over the years saying, “no son of mine is going to quit, that is your job, get back to work!” He said this when I got up enough courage to tell him at 16 years old that I wanted to quit washing dishes, coming home at midnight soaking wet with cracked and bloody dishpan hands, and get a job bagging groceries.


I could have quit in my heart and let it affect my work, but that thought never crossed my mind. I knew that if I continued to work there I had to get better, faster, and stronger. It was my “day” of adversity, I could choose to excel or I could loaf so I’d get fired. If I was going to stay, I knew I must be the catalyst for my own change, growth, and development.