The Difficulty with Love

Love given is a powerful expression that can melt hearts, halt wars, and silence outcries. Genuine love is freely given with no expectation of return and no demand of performance. Jesus Christ is genuine love.

The Marks of an Authentic Christian

“Let love be genuine”

Jesus taught His followers how to live. Jesus demonstrated in deed and action that He could live what He taught. Even when mocked and ridiculed by those in authority He stood silent spit on, beaten and accused. He was more concerned with living truth than being right.

You can be right one moment and later realize that you were totally wrong moments later. Jesus with every reason to be angry showed honor to Caiphas the High Priest despite being slapped in the mouth, mocked and spit on in the face (Mathew 26).

Our culture is more concerned with receiving honor than giving honor. In our self-obsessed generation we want as many “likes” as possible. We are a culture of celebrity-obsessed people. We demand attention and affection from others, yet genuinely give so little.

“Outdo one another in showing honor”

In fact, many people have no idea want showing honor truly means. To honor someone is to show deference and respect to that person despite how you feel or even if you don’t agree. Honor can be difficult in a proud person because humility always comes before honor. Christ’s ultimate acts of love were predicated purely out of obedience and personal humility (Philippians 3:2-8). It is a lesson that we should well remember and practice.

9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

Romans 12:9-10 (ESV)