Why Moms are Awesome

Let’s face it, without a “mom” none of us would be here! God, our Creator, in His gracious love caused the increase of the human race to be born upon the frame of mothers.

mothers day

Jesus could have come as the Angel of the LORD as he had many times before to the human race, but he would not have had a mother. He would not have been able to identify with us in this. He would never have received the nuture that a mother gives best to her child. God the Father affirmed the role of mothers by bringing forth Jesus Christ from the womb of a woman.

A mom is a treasure. I am glad we have at least one day that we can celebrate and recognize these women that have made each one of our lives possible. When I think of my mom, Marta (mother of six children), and my wife, Julie (my children’s mom of four children), I see very clearly the countless sacrifices that each of these have made and continue to make for their children. A mother has a bond with her child that is unique to that mother and child. It is an infusion in the heart. See, not only does a mother carry the child in her womb for all those back-breaking months, she always carries her child in her heart until the day she passes from this life.

This is what so many men and fathers don’t get about their wives and moms–mom always carries her child in her heart! This is why a mother has a stronger bent towards compassion, towards gentleness, towards forgiveness and towards affirmation. As fond and as loving as a father can be, he can never carry his child in his heart the way the child’s mother does.

The Bible says of Mary, the mother of Jesus, “but Mary treasured these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). A mother carries her child–her treasure in her heart, pondering each treasure. I believe, this is why so many mother’s make such incredible prayer warriors. I believe, this is why men like Samuel and Timothy in the Bible had such productive and fruitful lives and ministries–because, among other things, their mama’s were praying for them!

A Christian Mother, sold-out to Jesus Christ, is a spiritual force to be reckoned with. Why? Because, when no one else will, she will fight for her children. She will wage war in the heavens through her faith and her prayers, when no one else will. Why? Because, she will stand in the gap of intercession when everyone else has gone home or gone to bed. Why? Because, she will pray again and again and again for her children, because they occupy so much space in her heart. Why? Because, she will praise God for them over and over and over again. Why? Because, the prayers of the righteous mother “will availeth much” or “be powerful and effective” (James 5:16).

Mothers, you are valuable. Let no one, no society, no government or no ruler tell you otherwise. We live in a culture that increasingly denigrates the awesome joy, privilege and responsibility of being mom. No one can raise, train and nurture your children the way you can, mom. Distractions abound, so moms must be on their guard more than ever before to not willfully give their role, their responsibilities, and their title away.

I honor you Mom. I honor you Julie. I honor you women both living and past who have birthed, nurtured and trained each new generation of men and women that have, do and will nhabit planet earth.

Mothers make great teachers. Such wisdom mothers have and they, in their wonderful way, have the ability to reinforce truth into their children’s lives. My mother sang to us Bible Verses, that to this day, I can still hear her voice in my head singing, “Be ye kind one to another…” and “this is my commandment that you love one another…” to my siblings and me. Julie, my wife, reinforces in her firm, gentle way to our children the ways of excellence described in Proverbs 31 to our three daughters and one son.

A mother’s whisper can echo for a hundred years.

Listen my son…do not forsake your mother’s teaching…(it) will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck” (Proverbs 1:8-9)

Mothers, I honor and thank you.

The echo of my mom rings through my mind, “Remember boys (there are five of us: Aaron, Elliott, Alex, Austin & Adrian – and one sister, Audrea), as big as you get, I will always be your mother…”