Work hard, rest well and worship God



Working hard only guarantees you will become tired. It does not guarantee that you will be successful, attractive, more well-liked or even get what you were working for.


I have found that we should work hard. It is Biblical (in fact our punishment and a form of generational penance from Adam’s sin) and it is practical. More is said in the Bible about not working hard (sloth and laziness) than working hard.

There is a fulfillment that comes through hard work. Tiring yourself out physically demands that your body needs rest. Rest is needed to recover, rejuvenate and restore.

Most importantly rest is needed to worship. I believe we tire our souls out through the emotional, mental and spiritual chasms we cross and gorges we span. Many people in our culture worship the idol of rest or worship their idols while they find rest. Most often this is demonstrated through materialism and hedonism. We live for vacations, stimulations, and treats. We are Pavlov’s dog of a thousand avenues of recreation and entertainment, salivating at the altars of our own pleasures.

Work hard, rest well and worship God.

“Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy” Exodus 20:8

Question: What are some ways that you ensure that you rest on a regular basis?  How your rest been effective?